The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for March 05, 2021

  1. Missing large
    Thinkingblade  about 4 years ago

    Perhaps she is applying a version of the “broken windows” theory. I remember reading that at Foxconn (one of the largest contract manufacturers in the world) the CEO had a very plain office with cheap furniture while ensuring that the facilities were state of the art was a sort of message of what was the focus – I’ve been to the site in Shenzhen – in the buildings I was in (the site employed 250,000 people) the bathrooms were very clean.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Suddenly, you are very wise, Lila!

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    NWdryad  about 4 years ago

    Out of the mouths of babes

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  4. Toughcat
    bakana  about 4 years ago

    I once spent about nine months on a contract where the Bathrooms were perfectly Clean.

    But, they had TP that was so cheap you could SEE the splinters in the sheets of paper.

    Pocket Packs of Kleenex were Very popular item at the convenience store off the lobby.

    It sold milk, soft drinks, chips, candy bars, cigggies, Kleenex, etc.

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