Bonus Panel:
Mouseover Text: a bed ced ded ed f ged h i j k l m n o ped
Surely there are many more Canadian things than simply using the British pronunciation of the letter “z”, eh?
Enzo Comics is way over precise with their conversion of 500 miles. 800 km would much better. Even 805 km is probably overkill.
May 01, 2017
March 26, 2017
Goat about 4 years ago
Bonus Panel:
Goat about 4 years ago
Mouseover Text: a bed ced ded ed f ged h i j k l m n o ped
Daeder about 4 years ago
Surely there are many more Canadian things than simply using the British pronunciation of the letter “z”, eh?
Billy Yank about 4 years ago
Enzo Comics is way over precise with their conversion of 500 miles. 800 km would much better. Even 805 km is probably overkill.