I bought a weighted blanket (twin size, for my double bed because I’m a cheapskate.) Now I have four covers to organize ( sheet, weighted blanket, quilt and bedspread). I get my morning walk in trotting around the bed a zillion times to even things out.
dwane.scoty1 almost 4 years ago
“Why bother? Just gonna mess it up again in 12 hours!”
Doctor Toon almost 4 years ago
I blame my cat
He doesn’t like it when I make HIS bed
well-i-never almost 4 years ago
Way improved works for me.
Jeff0811 almost 4 years ago
The problem with that is that one has to leave the world. We’re not ready for Agnes, or her grandmother, to leave the world just yet.
Gameguy49 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
If Agnes tried to bounce a quarter on her bed, if she even had a quarter, it wouldn’t bounce, it would just disappear in the mess of bedding.
R.R.Bedford almost 4 years ago
magicwalnut almost 4 years ago
I bought a weighted blanket (twin size, for my double bed because I’m a cheapskate.) Now I have four covers to organize ( sheet, weighted blanket, quilt and bedspread). I get my morning walk in trotting around the bed a zillion times to even things out.
the lost wizard almost 4 years ago
Agnes and Grandma have slightly different standards.
librarian4hire almost 4 years ago
Agnes didn’t read the footnote.*
*Does not apply to messy beds.