And when trouble happens, she turns into Super-Mary.
“God will get you for that, Walter!”
Localized manifestations of the same superstition.
Still better than “egg-beater Jesus” (Huntsville, AL)
Touchdown Jesus beats them all.
I know several people who went to Our Lady of Grace grammar school. OK, there’s undoubtedly more than one.
November 16, 2016
stairsteppublishing about 4 years ago
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
And when trouble happens, she turns into Super-Mary.
Michael G. about 4 years ago
“God will get you for that, Walter!”
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Localized manifestations of the same superstition.
igor1882 about 4 years ago
Still better than “egg-beater Jesus” (Huntsville, AL)
R.U. Kidding about 4 years ago
Touchdown Jesus beats them all.
willie_mctell about 4 years ago
I know several people who went to Our Lady of Grace grammar school. OK, there’s undoubtedly more than one.