it’s Mister Esoteric to you, sir….!
Not your normal reading material.
No one can read the signature. ;)
Didn’t know he could read at all
They claim S.O. Teric was a great cartoonist, but I never understood his stuff….
March 02, 2018
July 22, 2017
July 27, 2017
InTraining Premium Member almost 4 years ago
it’s Mister Esoteric to you, sir….!
the lost wizard almost 4 years ago
Not your normal reading material.
AMBER1 almost 4 years ago
No one can read the signature. ;)
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
Didn’t know he could read at all
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
They claim S.O. Teric was a great cartoonist, but I never understood his stuff….