So, when you are rich, you are no longer weird? That is weird.
I used to stink like a dung pile. But now that I have more money, I have “an earthy fragrance”.
The eternal American question: how much eccentricity can I afford?
Eccentricity is in the eye of the beholder. Call it what you will, but I for one think Amanda is encroaching on the title even as we speak :-)
When you’re poor you’re old, when you’re rich you’re distingished.
I guess I’ll be weird forever.
November 16, 2016
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
So, when you are rich, you are no longer weird? That is weird.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 4 years ago
I used to stink like a dung pile. But now that I have more money, I have “an earthy fragrance”.
Michael G. about 4 years ago
coltish1 about 4 years ago
The eternal American question: how much eccentricity can I afford?
BJIllistrated Premium Member about 4 years ago
Eccentricity is in the eye of the beholder. Call it what you will, but I for one think Amanda is encroaching on the title even as we speak :-)
sergioandrade Premium Member about 4 years ago
When you’re poor you’re old, when you’re rich you’re distingished.
MCProfessor about 4 years ago
I guess I’ll be weird forever.