Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for April 20, 2021

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    jaydogg187  almost 4 years ago

    Well, Michael does kind of remind me of a young Jimbo from Rose is Rose. Does that count?

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    Chithing  almost 4 years ago

    It’d be funnier to see Gabby convince Kate to celebrate 4-20. They could still have cake.

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    Yardley701  almost 4 years ago

    Just love Gabby’s huge glasses.

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  4. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    My sister was friends with Identical twins. She was so close to looking the same as them when they were together it was hard to tell who was who of the three.

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  5. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  almost 4 years ago

    My twin is the same make up as Michael and Gabby. He’s 6 minutes older, to which I am happy. I love sharing a birthday!

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  6. Groucho
    dougsathome  almost 4 years ago

    But they’re not identical twins – her brother’s a boy!

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    WCraft  almost 4 years ago

    I’m often mistaken for Happy Feet…

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    Doctor Toon  almost 4 years ago

    If there is someone out there who looks just like me, he has my sympathy

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