Pluggers by Rick McKee for May 09, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    I went to my stepmother’s button box last year or so ago to repair one of my dress slacks; the pair’s original button broke.

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    Odd Dog Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Happy mothers day to all of the mothers out there and thanks for all that you do for us!

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    Breadboard  almost 4 years ago

    Goes to show how Mom’s fix a lot of things for all of us. Thanks to all Mothers :-)

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    chris1962cy Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    My mom still has her button box back from the sixties and seventies and still has buttons in it.

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    ctolson  almost 4 years ago

    My mom had a band-aid box. She patched up a lot of emergencies with it too. And from her heart that you couldn’t see, came all the healing kisses that took the pain away.

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    tcayer  almost 4 years ago

    I had a stuffed lion, Lymon.. and my sister came to visit with her dog, who promptly chewed of Lymon’s face! She sewed new eyes on, but they were creepy. Poor Lymon was never the same!

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    LocoScott  almost 4 years ago

    Well if you need a screw I have to containers of sorted ones,Hahaha

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    Display  almost 4 years ago

    Imagine the shock of going to the sewing tin for thread, needle, and a button and only finding Danish cookies in it!

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    contralto2b  almost 4 years ago

    I have lots of buttons, but since my daughter grew up and moved out and then we moved, the buttons got packed away and are in the storage unit. But I know I still have them. We NEVER throw away buttons. :o)

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    Dr_Fogg  almost 4 years ago

    I inherited my grandmother’s button box, and my wife has used most of it. Problem is I don’t know which of our kids would be interested.

    Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers out there!!

    Especially To my Grandmother that raised me. I miss her.

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  11. Playpen 1952
    l3i7l  almost 4 years ago

    For years one of the local hospitals sponsored a safety event for children. My mom was part of the hospital auxiliary volunteers, who ran the Stuffed Animal Hospital. Since I knew how to sew I was ‘volunteered’, too. Between all of us there were buttons, material, thread and anything else for whatever needed a some TLC. Everything from a beanie baby to a life-sized dummy used for a seatbelt/roll-over demonstration was given a new life. I’m not sure who it made happier, the fixer or the owner of those stuffed animals.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 4 years ago

    A new shirt used to have an extra button, but I don’t think they do that anymore.

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    kpdrsn  almost 4 years ago

    That’s grandpa’s job in our house. Grew up in an upholstery shop.

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