The Raiders trading Carr to move up to get a Quarterback… every season Fans get bored, gives them something to rail about.
When will the draft be over ?
I’m no bug sports fan, but from what I pick up on the news and stuff the higher ranked a player is, the worse they actually do in the big leagues.
Worst place to be is a number 1 draft pick. They never seem to turn out to be any good.
Jonathan Lemon
July 06, 2017
Ammosexual Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The Raiders trading Carr to move up to get a Quarterback… every season Fans get bored, gives them something to rail about.
ERBEN2 almost 4 years ago
When will the draft be over ?
Mr. JRB almost 4 years ago
"It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I’m no bug sports fan, but from what I pick up on the news and stuff the higher ranked a player is, the worse they actually do in the big leagues.
Worst place to be is a number 1 draft pick. They never seem to turn out to be any good.