Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for May 22, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    oh, can’t get over the duck-shaped potatoes, can you, Alice?

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  2. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    And I’m sure it smells very nice in that room.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    It’s nice to be nice to the nice.

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  4. 8ulstyi9 normal
    Publius10608218  almost 4 years ago

    When I was 4 1/2 I got my first kitten. Two of my brother’s cats later she is still going strong. My dad has bern calling her the energizer bunny :{]

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  5. Rhadamanthus
    Craig Westlake  almost 4 years ago

    I was always afraid of running into a potato-shaped duck…

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    WCraft  almost 4 years ago

    This should be interesting…

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  7. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 4 years ago

    Nara has always seemed like the most level-headed (not bucket-headed!) member of the Blisshaven Academy preschool class, and now we know why, thanks to Madeline: she is 4 1/2 years old, oldest in the group! I have long suspected that Dill is the youngest, not very far past being 3.

    And we see Mom Logic at work: Nara=nice, nice=Nara, nice Nara=good for Alice to play with!

    Just don’t worry about the duck-shaped potatoes!

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