Rubes by Leigh Rubin for June 17, 2021

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    thebashfulone  almost 4 years ago

    There aren’t too many really funny “Schrödinger’s cat” cartoons out there, folks, so enjoy this one while you can!

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    Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Slip into something more comforting?

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  3. Abcd3
    redback  almost 4 years ago

    don’t get it. He may slip or not slip and the result is unknown till the box is opened? or is the banana peel some random factor in something? don’t get it

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  4. Facepalm bear 2
    Lablubber   almost 4 years ago

    People often forget tat the original thought experiment includes a toxic radioactive isotope in the box.

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    thebashfulone  almost 4 years ago

    My take is that Schrödinger was a little crazy and that coming up with the whole cat analogy drove poor Schrödinger a little crazier because he was using it to explain something that was even harder to explain than the cat, and therefore, the cat became a lifelong nightmare for him. He tried to explain his thoughts using a “simple” (to him) analogy but then spent all of his time trying to explain the analogy. So poor crazy Schrödinger suffered because of the cat. As a result, he felt no compunction in trying to torture the cat a bit by giving it an inedible “treat” preparatory to sealing the cat in the box, never to be heard from or worried about again. In other words, Schrödinger was so sick of the cat that he got sick pleasure out of my years of trying to figure out the cat, and got harassed by people like me because of the cat, and so he decided that he would get a little sick pleasure by torturing the cat. However, that was too long of a caption, so the artist just used the word ‘schadenfreude’.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 4 years ago

    I think Leigh just liked the alliteration.

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    angelolady Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I googled it all and still don’t understand. Doesn’t look nice.

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    generic16 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    i love this 2 word phrase

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