The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for August 04, 2021

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 3 years ago

    Munchausen syndrome by proxy on a dog?

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    dcandmx  over 3 years ago

    Why isn’t the vet smiling?

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    knittyditty  over 3 years ago

    Because we know the worst clients are hypochondriacs and those that rely on the internet to solve everything. They never listen to your advice or follow directions.

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    WCraft  over 3 years ago

    So – compared to many older adults – he is relatively healthy?

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 3 years ago

    The projective form is known as Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy. My second wife was subjected to it as a child. Her mother dragged her from doctor to doctor chasing imaginary diseases. As an adult, my wife would not even admit to the flu until she was bedridden. It’s a terrible thing.The projective form is known as Munchausen’s Syndrome. My second wife was subjected to it as a child. Her mother dragged her from doctor to doctor chasing imaginary diseases. As an adult, my wife would not even admit to the flu until she was bedridden. It’s a terrible thing.

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    Prawnclaw  over 3 years ago


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  7. Margie und ich
    Marge Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Oh je, liebes Hundchen! What a pity to get such a rescuer!

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