Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 14, 2008
Barack Obama: I'm going to need your help! Mike: My help? Obama: I can't do it alone! Alex: I want to become a community organizer! Jeff: I'm thinking about returning to public service! B.D.: I want to help other vets. Zipper: I want a diploma... Mike: ... a cleaner, greener world... Sam: A coast-to-coast shopping spree! Sarah Palin: 2012? You betcha!
stpatme about 16 years ago
Poor Boopsie!
philwithbeard about 16 years ago
Ah, Isn’t there any character in the strip who can explain the concept of ‘Style’ vs. ‘Substance’ to Boopsie?
You know, like right now in the big pile of problems we all have, the public has decided to go for brains and accomplishments; Slogan-slinging not so much support.
The only hope for Style to regain dominance is for the brains to solve the current hard problems. Now, if only Duke could think this through to it’s logical end, how ‘on-board’ with the Obama administration would Duke and Son become?
cacolley7811 about 16 years ago
Does anyone remember JFK saying, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country”? The ability to pull the country together for the country’s sake is something that is needed in the White House. we’ve just had too much division, and it has hurt not just the U.S., but the world. This is called the, ‘Call to Arms’.
swolf48110 about 16 years ago
Zonker could explain it all to her. LOL
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
I see nothing wrong weith Boopsies’ reaction, we have all had those ” oh jeez” moments. Then you go on to explain what the factsw are. Hey Grok, project much? The key word is change.
AKHenderson Premium Member about 16 years ago
Did Uncle Zonker ever get a diploma?
ChiehHsia about 16 years ago
I’m not sure, but I think Zonker finally got his degree in tanning…? Maybe it was honoris causa.
c.hoffman Premium Member about 16 years ago
Y’know, I’ve been reading (and loving) Doonesbury for years. There have been a lot of poignant moments, but this strip is the first to inspire me to write anything. The country certainly needs our help; I look forward to seeing these characters show us the way. Kudos to Garry Trudeau!
Llywus about 16 years ago
Grok: Since you hate Trudeau and his comic so much why do you keep coming back? Do you just like to inflict your misery on the rest of us?
Sternvogel about 16 years ago
According to the page linked below, Zonker rose to prominence on the tanning circuit “[f]ollowing graduation”.
FrostbiteFalls over 2 years ago
Sure, Zipper wants a diploma, as long as he doesn’t have to work for it.