For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 15, 2008
Francie: Daddy... can I talk to you over here... alone? Anthony: Of course! Francie: What's gonna happen to me if you marry Elizabeth? Anthony: You'll live in a happy home with two people who love you very much. Francie: Do I hafta call her "Mom"? Anthony: No. You can call her "Elizabeth," like always. Francie: What about my REAL mom? Anthony: When she has time, you'll see her and talk to her - just like always. And I will be here for you, sweetheart. You know that. Francie: ... just like always.
Tulitikku about 4 years ago
I got little bit teary, those 2 last panels are so beautifully raw. Full of emotions
Jacob Mattingly over 2 years ago
I WANT to dislike him, he’s done some fairly crappy things in his relationship with elizabeth and in his previous marriage (even if it’s not his fault it ended), but… I relaly can’t here. He is, despite the verbal slip up during the incident, a good father, geninely loves his kid and for al lhis many faults and blandness took things nice and slow with elizabeth before it got to this point and eased Francie into it.
bel57air about 2 years ago
Quit having such a crappy attitude. Ditch the desire to dislike him and admit you like him. It’s okay to. How can you not like a man who loves his daughter so much.
feefers_ 3 months ago
He’s a good daddy. Not as great as mine