Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for May 08, 2024
hey, tourists! avoid the crowds! go seek out- richard's poor almanack by richard thompson uncharted washington uncanny groaning escalator - an escalator at the federal triangle metro station produces a weird keening sound similar to a humpback whale's song. attempts to fix it have been unsuccessful. escalator: eeeyoo oowa agh man: it's trying to tell us something. woman: i think it's in pain! mysterious bollard circle - an inexplicable ring of bollards near the ellipse that protects nothing corporeal may in fact be a new age fairy ring solar calendar vortex, like stonehenge. man: it's clearly not of this world! woman: i can feel its healing aura! the source of glebe road - the point of origin of glebe road, the protean, shiftly and many-tentacled virginia street, is most likely a nondescript driveway in hyattsville, md. man: it seems so harmless! woman: it should be dammed up! kid: now can we go to the spy museum?
cheezpleez 10 months ago
So that’s what Dill’s parents look like!
Teto85 Premium Member 10 months ago
There was an escalator in a BART station in San Francisco that made sounds like there were birds in the station.
TokenFudd 10 months ago
I’m with the kid – Spy Museum for me! :)
remlap_d Premium Member 10 months ago
In Cul de Sac, Dill’s father has a ponytail.