Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for August 16, 2024
cartoon advice to the graduates billy, "family circus" billy: wherever your path in life takes you, an institute of higher learning, the military, the private sector or just loitering on the swingset when you should be inside eating dinner, always leave a string of broken lines trailing behind you. galactus, marvel comics galactus: puny human graduates! let no one thwart your plans!! crush all who dare oppose you!! so says galactus! silly rabbit, general mills rabbit: choose for yourself one unattainable food group, whether it's raodrunners, wabbits, tweetie birds, picnic baskets, lucky charms or trix, and pursue it with all the misguided singleminded-ness you possess. b.c., "b.c." b.c.: you're all going to hell.
Droptma Styx 6 months ago
I take it Mr. Thompson had an issue with Mr. Hart’s preachy-er cartoons?