Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 21, 2024
richard's poor almanac summer reading by richard thompson blogged down - a collection of entries from the most tedious weblogs! full of end-less, dreary anec-dotes about lives so pointless you'll leap screaming from your chair in search of a meaningful existence. woman 1: agh i need a passionate love affair! i must play ravel on the piano! i gotta do charity work! the da vinci code sun 'n' fun edition. comes printed on reflective mylar pages that let you tan evenly as you thrill to this popular centuries-spanning mystery! sun-glasses are very strongly recommended. einstein's brain, the panda's thumb, spinoza's pants, the monkey's gland, pliny the elder's folding chair, vermeer's pink-eye, mickey's tail & mahler's fiesta ware collection. a book that, by sheer random free association, convincingly explains the meaning of life. woman 2: huh? whu? who? oh. humidity a user's guide to nature's dampest force humidity: a user's guide to nature's dampest force - as a special interactive feature, this book will swell, buckle & split when exposed to actual humidity! warning - mould may occur. man: hey
stamps 5 months ago
“The Panda’s Thumb” is an actual book on evolution by Stephen Jay Gould.
Uncle $crooge 5 months ago
Did he mean “mold” rather than “mould”?
SteveHL 5 months ago
No mention of Fiestaware, but some of Tom Lehrer’s lyrics about the Mahlers:
The first one she married was Mahler,
Whose buddies all knew him as Gustav,
And each time he saw her he’d holler:
“Ach, that is the fräulein I must have!”
Their marriage, however, was murdah;
He’d scream to the heavens above:
"I’m writing Das Lied von der Erde
Und she only wants to make love!"