Truth Facts by Wulff & Morgenthaler for September 13, 2021

  1. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It’s why I have another free translator. It uses Google, Microsoft, Yandex, and some no-name.

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  2. Daffy duck   freakout   icon
    sperry532  over 3 years ago

    For fun, type in a phrase or sentence. Translate it into another language. Translate it back. Do this three or four times. It’s hilarious.

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  3. Photo
    StephenRice  over 3 years ago

    I was on a list where there was a guy who refused to post in English. He understood the language well enough, but perhaps felt shy about using it actively. Anyway, he also like to turn out rather long posts. Some of the others (many not native speakers of English) couldn’t understand his Spanish, so I decided to translate it for them. I used Google Translate as a shortcut, since I’m a lousy typist, thinking I could just tweak any mistranslations. I’m sure it took me longer to correct GT’s attempt than it would’ve just to do it myself.

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  4. Missing large
    ekke  over 3 years ago

    But it’s so fun to use Google Translate to initiate international disputes and sow confusion among our allies!

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  5. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 3 years ago

    it’s good for a laugh to see what google concocts when translating japanese into english…

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