Garfield by Jim Davis for April 26, 2009
"Dear Jon, Life here with you has become unbearable." *tic tic tic* "I can't stand it in this house another day, so I am running away to join the French Foreign Legion." *tikka tikka tic tic tic* "Please don't try to find me. Just know that this is what I want, and that it's the best thing for both of us. Goodbye." *tikkity tikkity tic tic tic* *print print print print* Jon: GARFIELD!!*
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
A little mayonnaise, a little lemon…
farren over 15 years ago
Ewwwww! Wndrwrthg, that’s tartar sauce!
zonarius over 15 years ago
Is that Lasagna in the top frame or kitty litter?
poppy1313 over 15 years ago
fish must of had a wireless network
green_engineer over 15 years ago
Silly Garfield, he should have removed evidence of the tartar sauce and lemon!
Northwoodser over 15 years ago
Something fishy just happened
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
He’s swimming with the fishes - er, wrong metaphor.
alondra over 15 years ago
@zonarius, I think it’s cat litter. Funny Garfield will not eat a mouse but he sure will eat a fish. Go figure.
Silverpearl over 15 years ago
I didn’t know fish could type and print. Cats either. Will wonders never cease.
Baggaleyjd over 15 years ago
I heart Garfield, enough said.
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Macushlalondra, doctortoon and zonarius, supposedly if Garfield has a cat litter, he has to wear the gas mask on his face because the smell is absolutely terrible.
tesmom87 over 15 years ago
The strip seems to be shifting its focus from Garfield to Jon/Liz. Will the name change?
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Of course it’s lasagne. See how shallow the pan is?
P.S., “I left you the tartar sauce and lemon to remind you of me.”
alison03874 over 15 years ago
on the top panel that is probably lasanga because hes happy, and his mouth is open like he is about to eat it.
weatherford.joe over 9 years ago
The criminal mind always sets its own trap.
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
Garfield’s… gone?
WentBrown almost 4 years ago
Not smart Garfield…….
rgcviper 2 months ago
The lemon and tartar sauce are nice touches. Made me chuckle.