Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for May 29, 2009

  1. Mannytherat
    KingRat  almost 16 years ago

    shouldn’t he be dropping a shooter of milk into a glass of chocolate? jus sayin’.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Since I don’t hang out in bars, I know the shot-and-a-beer thing only from TV, and I’ve never understood its appeal. Is it because beer doesn’t buzz you fast enough by itself? Is it because the hard stuff hurts too much to drink undiluted? Is it because beer tastes awful until the alcohol has had enough time to rewire your synapses and more alcohol speeds up the process? Do two nasty-tasting things together somehow result in a good taste? Could someone explain it to me without trying to pick a fight in the parking lot?

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  3. Mannytherat
    KingRat  almost 16 years ago

    Pschearer in the case of the Jägerbomb, a shot of Jägermeister (one of the foulest liquors ever) is dropped into a glass of red bull (almost as bad) making a passable drink.

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  4. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 16 years ago

    pschearer - I suspect it’s more of a macho thing. It’s “cooler” to combine them instead of just drinking a couple of beers or a beer and then a shot.

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  5. Lysanaponyavatarjpg
    BlueRaven  almost 16 years ago

    There is a taste difference between sipping two items separately and drinking them mixed. As for the shot into the beer glass, it adds a bit of dramatic flair to the event. Whether it’d taste better is a matter of, well, taste. I’ve never drunk anything in that fashion myself.

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  6. Fish
    ds133  almost 16 years ago

    I want to know how to order a chocolate milk bomb, or whatever it would be called. I think it would be hilarious to do at a bar.

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  7. C   h
    sonic13sjr  almost 16 years ago

    A lunhcbox is made up of a mug of draft beer, a splash of OJ and a shot of amareto dropped in. Very tasty

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