American naval officer. He made his famous proclamation, “Don’t give up the ship” after being mortally wounded in battle during the War of 1812. He died of his injuries on three days later. He had engaged his frigate, the USS Chesapeake, against the Royal Navy frigate HMS Shannon. The British ship was able to disable the Chesapeake during the first few minutes of the battle. Lawrence, mortally wounded during this exchange, made his famous proclamation, “Don’t give up the ship. Fight her till she sinks.” However, the British boarded and took the ship.
Imagine over 3 years ago
Seems to be a theme…
Like I said yesterday: just whack him over the head with the paddles and be done with it.
nosirrom over 3 years ago
Captains are supposed to be the last to get off a sinking ship. Unless it’s a cruise ship.
Doug K over 3 years ago
“It’s not your ship – it’s a rental boat. You’re not a captain – you were only in boy scouts for a year. But you are a drama queen – so go for it.”
xSigoff Premium Member over 3 years ago
Ok, Cap’n, but remember you signed for the boat WITHOUT signing up for the additional insurance, so it’s loss is on your wallet…er..head.
Alberta Oil over 3 years ago
That.. captain thing is an old fashioned myth. Like rats, they are first off
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
Hmmm- doesn’t appear cold enough for an iceberg…
musicnut1986 over 3 years ago
Weirdo drama queen.
anomaly over 3 years ago
In this case, it’s a good idea.
christelisbetty over 3 years ago
James Lawrence
Born October 1, 1781 d. 1813
American naval officer. He made his famous proclamation, “Don’t give up the ship” after being mortally wounded in battle during the War of 1812. He died of his injuries on three days later. He had engaged his frigate, the USS Chesapeake, against the Royal Navy frigate HMS Shannon. The British ship was able to disable the Chesapeake during the first few minutes of the battle. Lawrence, mortally wounded during this exchange, made his famous proclamation, “Don’t give up the ship. Fight her till she sinks.” However, the British boarded and took the ship.