FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 13, 2003
Peter: What's that? Andy: My mothers against gory games membership kit. Andy: I'm joining the battle against gratuitous killings and violence in the video games you kids play. Have you heard about this awful new "vice city" game?! Peter: I've been begging for it since October. Andy: Well from now on there will be only magg-approved games played in this house. Jason: "Nice city"?? Peter: Shoot. Hit reset. I stepped on an ant.
luckygal123 about 13 years ago
I love this seris!
candyisyummy almost 12 years ago
PeterFox-the ultimately based anti spammer of GC over 3 years ago
a freaking ant!
Ceggie 2 months ago
Yup! The card says MAGG!