FoxTrot by Bill Amend for March 12, 2004
Jason: Pick a card, any card. Ok, my psychic powers tell me the card you have chosen is... is... a number between two and ten, or a jack, queen, king, or ace, and its suit is either a heart, diamond, club or spade. Am I right? Paige: You're so lame it's painful. Jason: I'm statring to thins this "foolproof card tricks" book is a ripoff.
jimboylan over 7 years ago
No Jokers in the deck?
PBS1! about 5 years ago
Moral: There is an inverse relationship between the confidence of an estimate and its precision.
PBS1! over 4 years ago
I predict the winner of the presidential election will have between 51 and 100 percent of electoral votes
Chad With a Beard almost 4 years ago
I do card magic
Otatop over 2 years ago
When Paige has a joker…
LeviticusTheLanky about 2 years ago
I should try that