Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for May 13, 2024
This is the legend of Cassius Clay, the most beautiful fighter in the world today. He talks a great deal, and brags indeedy, of a muscular punch that’s incredibly speedy. The fistic world was dull and weary, but with a champ like Liston, things had to be dreary. Then someone with color and someone with dash, brought fight fans a runnin’ with cash. CLAY VS LISTON This brash young boxer is something to see and the heavyweight championship is destiny. WORLD CHAMP This kid fights great, he’s got speed and endurance, but if you sign to fight him, increase your insurance. When I say three, they’ll go in the third, so don’t bet against me, I’m a man of my word. CASSIUS CLAY SONNY “BEAR” LISTON BOOKIE This kid’s got a left, this kid’s got a right, if he hit you once, you’re asleep for the night. And as you lie on the floor while the ref counts ten, you’ll pray that you won’t have to fight me again. Liston: Hail Mary, full of grace… This I predict and I know the score, I’ll be champ of the world in ’64. WORLD CHAMP Yes, I am the man this poem’s about, I’ll be champ of the world, there isn’t a doubt. - Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) Clay: I AM THE GREATEST!
FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 months ago
We’ll not see his like again.
Old Time Tales 10 months ago
Check out the song “Black Superman(The Muhammad Ali Song)” by Johnny Wakelin
Also take the time to look up Floyd Patterson and Sonny Liston. It was a whole different world back then and they were men shaping Ali and the world we live in today.
Rocky Premium Member 10 months ago
He was the greatest of his time, no doubt about it. I would’ve loved to see him against Louis, Marciano, or Tyson. Those fights would be epic!
Ray Helvy Premium Member 10 months ago
My favorite appearance of his was when he was on Allen Funt’s Candid Camera. The idea was to surprise the kids with him showing up behind the kid and having a talk with them. It didn’t go very well; the kids barely reacted. Allen Funt had Ali wait on a bench for him afterward. They got into a conversation about Allen Funt’s show, how it was an overall disappointment, etc. Ali defended him, saying how he and his wife watched it every week and he loved how Allen Funt made people laugh, which was so needed. They got to talking about Ali. He explained that most of what he did was showmanship, making people want to watch him box. When Allen Funt asked him about Ali’s claim to be the greatest boxer, Ali got very serious, and said that no, that part was for real. He really believed he was the greatest. All throughout, Ali was so open, and warm, and even personable and funny that it was outright hilarious when he realized Allen Funt had filmed the whole thing. It really presented Ali in in a very different and engaging light. It can be found on YouTube.
Bill LaRocque Premium Member 10 months ago
Nice tribute. Very happy to have watched this amazing athlete throughout his career. Truly, one of the very greatest.
markkahler52 10 months ago
Remember Ali from the 70s. No other time like it
Rich Douglas 10 months ago
Ali whupped him in their first fight. But the second looked like Liston took a dive.
Ali wasn’t the greatest, but he was the most important fighter who ever lived.
PoodleGroomer 10 months ago
His victory came with the price of dying with TBI.
Vet Premium Member 10 months ago
Ali had the fastest hands. He used the speed and the snap of the glove to deal damage. Like the tip of a bullwhip which hits at 1100 feet per second which is supersonic therefore the snap you hear. Ali used 16 oz gloves to achieve a similar impact. He was also hard to hit relying on his footwork to make his opponent burn energy trying to stay on him….but he took too many hits later in his career as some accused him of not being able to take a punch….so he started letting them hit him with later tragic results. RIP Ali….keep on floating and stinging.
bscruffy 10 months ago
Only time and age, could have him floored. So he opened his mouth and would not be ignored.
bscruffy 10 months ago
Muhammad Ali had three outstanding strengths: boxing talent to insure he would win and a mouth that insured that he couldn’t be ignored. Only after decades of adulation did the public slowly discover that he also had a great heart.