In WW II B-17s returning from missions were issued a challenge phrase and had to come back with the proper response phrase to allowed to land.
That was the pilots’ duty. My dad was a bombardier and did not pay attention to that part of the briefing (or more likely slept through it).
After flak severely damaged the aircraft and incapacitated the pilot and co-pilot my dad took control of the aircraft and flew it back to England.
When presented with the challenge phrase, he could not come up with the proper response phrase. They threatened to scramble fighters and shoot him down. He responded with a string of obscenities. They let him land.
Upon debriefing he asked why they let him land. They told him that although a number of Germans were fluent in English, none of them were so good to string that many obscenities together in such a creative fashion.
In truth, they did scramble fighters and they confirmed that the tail number matched one that took off that morning. Also, if the Germans were trying to pull some kind of a trick, they wouldn’t do it with a B-17 that looked like flying Swiss Cheese.
C about 3 years ago
Maybe it was “don’t shoot!”
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 3 years ago
Happened two times to me yesterday.
Cornelius Noodleman about 3 years ago
He probably won’t have to worry about it tomorrow.
Farside99 about 3 years ago
You’d think he’d learn it after the first 2 times, but nooooo.
Imagine about 3 years ago
That’s nothing. Just wait until you have computers and smart phones and all that stuff. Forgetting your password then can really mess you up.
jessie d. about 3 years ago
how about if you lose license, debit card, keys on a regular basis? then you be just old
in-dubio-pro-rainbow about 3 years ago
I don’t want to ARROWgate to know the password but it’s “arrowarrowarrow”, you dope!
in-dubio-pro-rainbow about 3 years ago
Dude, it’s OK to forget it once, you may also forget it twice, but three times in ARROW…? Really?!
Qiset about 3 years ago
You look funny with those long pointy things sticking out of you. Well, I’m not the one what put them there. They do make me tired, though.
nosirrom about 3 years ago
“Cumberland and Charlie walks like this!”
Milady Meg about 3 years ago
Try “shibboleth”.
pathamil about 3 years ago
At least you didn’t get CAPCHA’d…
monya_43 about 3 years ago
He tried three times and now he’s kicked out for good. I hate it when they ask me to create a new password and you have to remember the old one.
dflak about 3 years ago
In WW II B-17s returning from missions were issued a challenge phrase and had to come back with the proper response phrase to allowed to land.
That was the pilots’ duty. My dad was a bombardier and did not pay attention to that part of the briefing (or more likely slept through it).
After flak severely damaged the aircraft and incapacitated the pilot and co-pilot my dad took control of the aircraft and flew it back to England.
When presented with the challenge phrase, he could not come up with the proper response phrase. They threatened to scramble fighters and shoot him down. He responded with a string of obscenities. They let him land.
Upon debriefing he asked why they let him land. They told him that although a number of Germans were fluent in English, none of them were so good to string that many obscenities together in such a creative fashion.
In truth, they did scramble fighters and they confirmed that the tail number matched one that took off that morning. Also, if the Germans were trying to pull some kind of a trick, they wouldn’t do it with a B-17 that looked like flying Swiss Cheese.
Calvins Brother about 3 years ago
“What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?” Thanks Monty Python.
WCraft Premium Member about 3 years ago
Seeking the Holy Grail?
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
I have the same problem; less painful though……
Mediatech about 3 years ago
The password was “Duck”.
schaefer jim about 3 years ago
Good story, in all my readings of WW ll, this is the first i heard of this.