Lead on,but make sure i am there when we are supposed to arrive!!
Samurai were trained to sleep on the march.
I just randomly checked today if there was a new comic. For some reason, they haven’t been showing up as new on my comics feed.
If I was the sword I would so walk him into a tree or two just for laughs
June 19, 2017
July 03, 2017
July 27, 2017
Sneaker over 3 years ago
Lead on,but make sure i am there when we are supposed to arrive!!
Ed Brault Premium Member over 3 years ago
Samurai were trained to sleep on the march.
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom Premium Member over 3 years ago
I just randomly checked today if there was a new comic. For some reason, they haven’t been showing up as new on my comics feed.
bob-droid12 over 3 years ago
If I was the sword I would so walk him into a tree or two just for laughs