Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 08, 1966
Schroeder says, "Time out!" and walks to the pitcher's mound.<BR><BR> Schroeder says, "I just thought of something . . today is Mother's Day . . . " Charlie Brown says, "I know it is."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "What did he say? I though I heard Schroeder mention Mother's Day . . . "<BR><BR> Patty and Five join the group at the mound. Schroeder says, "Today is Mother's Day . . . We're playing baseball on Mother's Day!" Lucy says, "We should be home serving our mothers breakfast in bed!"<BR><BR> Patty says, "My mother is always doing nice things for me." Five says, "Every time my mother goes to the store she brings me a surprise." Frieda says, "My mother always sings to me before I go to sleep at night."<BR><BR> Schroeder, Patty, Violet, Five, Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Freida and Shermy all stand at the pitcher's mound. Patty says, "How can we be so selfish as to spend this day away from home?" Violet says, "We're cruel and heartless." Lucy says, "We have no shame." Freida says, "We never think of anyone but ourselves!" Shermy says, "We're no good!"<BR><BR> Suddenly the whole group begings to wail.<BR><BR> They all toss their hats and gloves on the ground and shout, "We're no good! We're thoughtless! We're selfish and cruel and . . "<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands alone and says, "Actually, I sent my mother a very nice card and a dozen pink roses."<BR><BR>
michdarkangel over 10 years ago
Proud of You Charlie Brown…. U are a great kid for sure.
weatherford.joe about 10 years ago
A dozen pink roses? Those aren’t cheap.
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
He’s also giving her a day of rest!
jbruins84341 almost 8 years ago
Maybe their moms are glad to get the kids out of the house.
thepinkbaroness over 4 years ago
Good ol’ Charlie Brown!
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
This illustrates how some of the kids rotated in and out of the team, provided it’s always a team of 9. Linus is usually shown as a pivotal member of the team, even filling in as pitcher sometimes, but here he’s oddly missing.