Worse, he was the thirteenth of the bears on that street.
Freddy went on to become a murderous psychopath and horror movie star.
The idea of a less popular (or at least less safe) Freddy Bear was already explored to death by the “Five Nights at Freddy’s” video game series.
A couple weeks ago, I saw a commercial selling “Trumpy Bear”
Ida No about 3 years ago
Worse, he was the thirteenth of the bears on that street.
Imagine about 3 years ago
Freddy went on to become a murderous psychopath and horror movie star.
calliarcale about 3 years ago
The idea of a less popular (or at least less safe) Freddy Bear was already explored to death by the “Five Nights at Freddy’s” video game series.
Tweet&Bleat about 3 years ago
A couple weeks ago, I saw a commercial selling “Trumpy Bear”