Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for December 10, 2021

  1. Calvins
    Algolei I  over 3 years ago

    He forgot to mention the elephant in the room:

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  2. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  over 3 years ago

    Which also explains why Beta lost to VHS.

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  3. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 3 years ago

    He lost all credibility when he electrocuted the elephant. He also invented a fluorescent tube, but lost interest in it. Instead of using UV from ionized mercury vapor, he was going to use x-rays. He could have killed the entire working class after giving them a wonderful tan.

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  4. Missing large
    joe.altmaier  about 3 years ago

    AC also could be transmitted over arbitrarialy long distances. DC cannot. So AC has the advantage of ACTUALLY WORKING.

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  5. Jim 2
    olmon  about 3 years ago

    Edison couldn’t compare to Tesla for talent and ideas. Edison was a businessman & mostly took credit for the inventiveness of his employees. He was so jealous of Tesla that he tried, about 90% successfully to ‘Erase’ him from history and a big part of that was due to Tesla’s AC current working so much better than the DC current that Edison championed.

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