Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for December 15, 2021

  1. Timmy
    gduncan58  over 3 years ago

    My cousins had a cat that was 22 years old and she loved to sleep on top of the tv set (way before flat screen sets). I saw her hop up there one day and that was it, her last snooze on the tv, but she made it to 22 at least!

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  2. Calvins
    Algolei I  over 3 years ago

    The term “kitty litter” was coined in 1947 by Edward Lowe, who gave what’s often called “fuller’s earth” to a woman so her cats could use it. Before then, people with indoor cats would use sand, normal soil, or ashes for their cats. The woman reported that the “fuller’s earth” worked better, so Lowe decided to sell it under the name “kitty litter”.

    Technically, “litter” referred either to bedding such as straw, or to something that was scattered about. Straw was scattered on the floor to be used as bedding for animals, and eventually the animal droppings came to be associated with the litter itself or even to the young of the animals when they gave birth, hence for instance a “litter” of kittens. So from bedding to bedding full of poop, the term ended up being applied to what we now call call litter.

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