Medium Large by Francesco Marciuliano for December 21, 2021

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  about 3 years ago

    This reckoning is long overdue.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  about 3 years ago

    I laughed out loud at this one!

    And now, some serious commentary:

    Francesco, you need to give up your writing duties over at Judge Parker. First, you do much better on your humor strips (this one and Sally Forth), and Judge Parker really needs a writer who has a working knowledge of the legal system (which you clearly don’t), and who doesn’t think that “courtroom scenes are boring,” as you claimed in an interview. That’s a strange remark to be made by a man who’s been assigned to write a comic strip about a JUDGE! Oh, and your “gag strip” writing style is not a good fit for a strip like Judge Parker. (All those “cutesy pop culture” references make it even worse.) And besides, ever since you took over that strip on August 22, 2016, you have failed to resolve even one story line! Every time you’ve written yourself into a corner, which is often, you bail out by either: 1. a series of panels that are captioned “And so…”; 2. you start another story line with “(season) comes to Cavelton”;

    And by the way, you’ve been calling Spencer Farms “Spencer *_Ranch.”_* When did it become a “ranch”? No one in the strip mentioned it. And in a recent story thread, Cavelton’s Deputy Mayor was addressing Sam Driver as “Mr. Spencer (his WIFE’S surname)”. Those are examples of careless writing.

    By giving up Judge Parker to a more qualified writer, you could free yourself up more time to work on this strip. A nine-month non-productive “gap” is ridiculous.

    Thank you for listening — that is, if you’re reading this.

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    JPuzzleWhiz  about 3 years ago

    Oh, and Francesco, there is one other criticism I need to make to you about Judge Parker:

    You have your characters do nothing but talk, talk, talk, but they rarely, if ever, do anything in the way of actually taking ACTION. It’s just nothing but yakity-yak, with no story advancement.

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