Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for May 19, 2022

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    charliefarmrhere  almost 3 years ago

    These days, he is probably right. They did steal his idea though, & probably cheaper to settle than go to court. Of course if he does get some money the lawyer will probably get most of it.

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    goboboyd  almost 3 years ago

    Which, no surprise, happens to be the lawyers fee(s).

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Or what?

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    JDP_Huntington Beach  almost 3 years ago

    I invented dirt. I failed to patent it.

    Then this slickster came along and developed mud. That jerk is rich!

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    Gen.Flashman  almost 3 years ago

    Actually, you cannot patent a food “idea”, you can patent a recipe but since the company used his idea not recipe he is out of luck. Besides is the chicken soup made from scratch or from a can? Adding a teaspoon of caffeine powder to a can of Campbells soup is not a recipe.

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