Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for February 20, 2022

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    Zykoic  about 3 years ago

    I fashioned a ā€˜head-sockā€™ for my CPAP. Itā€™s a cotton tube cap with a cut-out for my face. Once the sock and mask are on and the tube is attached I scare the bejesus out of the grandkids. But I sleep well.

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    BearsDown Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I hated CPAP. So I lost 30 pounds and solved two problems!

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    WCraft  about 3 years ago

    By any chance was the solitary cell in the shape of a dog house?

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    Plods with ...ā„¢  about 3 years ago

    DONā€™T DO IT LARRY! Gen pop sux

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    KenDHoward1  about 3 years ago

    Hmmm ā€¦ So, some time back, before COVID, I had consulted with a doctor about my knee, which I had injured and had swelling from fluid build up. He took me on as a patient, and sent me to a LAB down the road for an ultrasound, and X-Ray, and later an M.R.I. While all this was going on his staff also scheduled me for a ā€œSleep Study.ā€ Now, I never really kept up with things like that, but I figured Iā€™d give it a shot. So, several months have passed, with only the ultrasound and X-Ray indicated as having been covered under my company health plan according the statements Iā€™d been receiving. I had completed the ā€œSleep Study,ā€ and, surprise, they said I should get one of this expensive CPAP machines. So, the appointment had been set for me to meet with a technician, and to bring my check book, and that they would instruct me on the use of my CPAP machine. Recalling the M.R.I., plus a consult with an orthopedic surgeon, I was still on the hook for $3000 according he statements from my company health plan. I telephoned the tech and canceled my appointment, with no intention of resetting it. I telephoned the doctorā€™s office and explained to them that `til such time as the M.R.I. bill is settled through my insurance that I wasnā€™t spending another dime on testing of any kind. A week or so later I received a statement from my provider that the bill had been paid. Also, the surgeon I had consulted with, after looking at my knee said he could operate on it, or I could live with it as is. So, I fired my doctor. I turned 63 today, Iā€™m on no medā€™s, Iā€™m healthy, I drink, moderately, and smoke, cigars only, occasionally, and Iā€™m doing just fine. Have a great day, everyone, this February 20th, 2022. ~ :)

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