In one of S.J. Perelman’s stories, an exhausted traveler sits down wearily in the hotel room and sighs, “We don’t know where we’re going, or how we’re going to get there, but when we’re there, we’ll be there, and that’s something, even if it’s nothing”.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 3 years ago
No need to see what’s on the TV. This could apply to so many things in human history (alas)!
AndrewSihler about 3 years ago
In one of S.J. Perelman’s stories, an exhausted traveler sits down wearily in the hotel room and sighs, “We don’t know where we’re going, or how we’re going to get there, but when we’re there, we’ll be there, and that’s something, even if it’s nothing”.
Doug M about 3 years ago
The jar of pickled eggs is a nice touch
Linguist about 3 years ago
Sometimes, barroom philosophers are closer to the truth than they realize.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
Who knew it would take a pandemic to reveal we had gradually become a nation of slow learners?