Win, Lose, Drew by Drew Litton for January 27, 2022

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    sandflea  about 3 years ago

    Of which they had very little.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  about 3 years ago

    All sports are going to have to reckon with their periods of not allowing a level playing field. We have some new problems now.Congratulations just the same to David Ortiz.

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    "It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member about 3 years ago

    And now we have men that are claiming to be women and have had a decade or two of the benefit of all that testosterone so they can beat women in their respective sports. Especially when they suck and can’t hang in the mens athletics world but can out perform the women.

    How is this any different than doping?

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    Denver Reader Premium Member about 3 years ago

    They were jerks but had integrity. They didn’t violate baseball rules – unlike HOF pitcher Gaylord Perry.

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