It is more of a commentary on the perils of the two major parties, and how they use their headlock on the system to strangle possible alternatives in utero
Won’t matter if she’s on the ballot. Nobody who’s likely to vote for her will be able to get registered or find a voting machine or get off work in the 15 minute window allotted for voting…
B 8671 almost 3 years ago
Keep trying Carmen, you are smarter than all the republigoons combined.
Ignatz Premium Member almost 3 years ago
What actually is Scott on about? That you need signatures to get on a ballot? Really?
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
If this is a commentary on our election system, there are bigger issues to address.
ajr58(1) almost 3 years ago
It is more of a commentary on the perils of the two major parties, and how they use their headlock on the system to strangle possible alternatives in utero
William Robbins Premium Member almost 3 years ago
while (true) rehash futility of third parties under electoral college;
rossevrymn almost 3 years ago
Why did the libertarian cross the road? What road?
MollyCat almost 3 years ago
I smell skunk
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member almost 3 years ago
They’re changing your voting district boundaries as you talk, so the signatures you already have don’t count!
jonatha almost 3 years ago
Won’t matter if she’s on the ballot. Nobody who’s likely to vote for her will be able to get registered or find a voting machine or get off work in the 15 minute window allotted for voting…
RobinHood almost 3 years ago
“A division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil."
John Adams
Bruce1253 almost 3 years ago
This allows Scott to slow down, we will see a rehash of last election’s cartoons perhaps with new dialog, but perhaps not. . . .
Mario500 almost 3 years ago
“OH, C’MON!!!!”
(senses a very expressive part of the dialogue of this cartoon)
Kip Williams almost 3 years ago
Well, she’s in Arizona. Maybe she’s just now learning that if the ‘wrong’ person wins there, the state Gops can just invalidate it.
Or maybe she already knew that, and Winslow just showed her what constitutes being a ‘wrong person’ in Arizona now.
christelisbetty almost 3 years ago
What you need to get signatures/on the ballot: MONEY …What you need to get elected: MORE MONEY