It seems that the flower bouquet price/affection ratio has risen dramatically since the days when you could just kill a bunch of flowers along the roadway on the way to a date.
I think Jack Benny had the right idea. He would bring a woman “a whole field of flowers” in a packet of seeds. :)
nicka93 almost 3 years ago
Possibly the guy she is talking about, doesn’t like flowers.
BigDaveGlass almost 3 years ago
Knowing Jen’s attitude to men, drop-dead would be more appropriate…….
whahoppened almost 3 years ago
♪ “You don’t send me flowers..♪ Anymore”! ♫
Chithing Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I’m with Truman on this one.
boydjb47 almost 3 years ago
Just whisper it in his ear along with another suggestion. Should work unless he is dead.
donwestonmysteries almost 3 years ago
Jen seems almost normal here. I thought she was an expert at manipulating men. Frank, anyway.
mistercatworks almost 3 years ago
It seems that the flower bouquet price/affection ratio has risen dramatically since the days when you could just kill a bunch of flowers along the roadway on the way to a date.
I think Jack Benny had the right idea. He would bring a woman “a whole field of flowers” in a packet of seeds. :)
Holden Awn almost 3 years ago
Women just want flowers and men just want….Ahhh. But I digress…
schaefer jim almost 3 years ago
Yes a dead woman will get you a ton od flowers, I should know, I used to deliver them to funeral homes by the truck load.
gantech almost 3 years ago
The problem is not that Brandy can’t get a date. The problem is the guy she wants to call her isn’t.
Doctor Go almost 3 years ago
Smart one, that Truman.
Wendy Emlinger almost 3 years ago
Yeah, flowers were the fastest way to my heart when I was younger. Once in a blue moon I’ll buy myself some flowers. Too bad they don’t last long.
whahoppened almost 3 years ago
Brandy, make believe Frank is a stray you have to take in. Jen is not a good model for you. Me, maybe, but not you.
tinstar almost 3 years ago
“Where have all the flowers gone…?”
donut reply almost 3 years ago
I friend sent a young lady flowers so she called the police on him.
This was before sexual harassment became such a rage.