Fred Basset by Alex Graham for March 10, 2022

  1. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  about 3 years ago

    it is no shame to run Fred, but why put yourself in these positions in the first place…

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    mikenjanet  about 3 years ago

    It seems that wherever you and the lads go to stroll, the Grosvenor gang shows up. Pests! Mean pests, but still. Nothing wrong in a strategic retreat.

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    rekam  about 3 years ago

    The Grosvenor gang loves to pick on anything smaller than they are. Wonder what would happen if they ran into dogs bigger and meaner than they are.

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    BigDaveGlass  about 3 years ago

    Strategic retreat……

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    boniface22  about 3 years ago

    So what was behind the fence?

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    juicebruce  about 3 years ago

    Advance to the rear !

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    KenHelmick  about 3 years ago

    When I was a kid, we had a basset hound — she was half English and half American basset — so larger than an American and longer-legged than an English. Bettsie would have never run from a fight like that. She wasn’t a bully, she would mother any smaller dog she came across and was friendly to dogs her own size. On the other hand, she would eagerly take on dogs larger than her — a German Shepherd attacked her when she was a puppy and she took that to mean that your best defense was a solid offense. I can’t say that I ever saw her actually get into a fight — longer-legged Bassett, or not, she couldn’t catch them when they got out of Dodge.

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    Uncle Bob  about 3 years ago

    discretion is the better part of valor, Fred!

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    darcyandsimon  about 3 years ago

    That’s it. Cut right to the, er…chase!

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    SheMc  about 3 years ago

    Follow me, I’m right behind ya!

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