Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for April 21, 1997
I think Zoe is getting bored with staying home all day. What should we do... Give her a set of keys to the car? Sigh No. I think we should put her in preschool for a couple of mornings a week. You do?? Yes! She would be out among other people, learning new stuff... Just think of all the things she could pick up out there! Forget it! Why?? Because of all the things she could pick up out there!
maggiet919 over 2 years ago
isn’t it a law or something?
windjammers over 2 years ago
Nursery school and pre-school is an every weekday event, not just a couple of days a week.
a_biological_girl 11 months ago
You’re not the one staying home 24/7, Darryl.