Just get him his own watch. They sell Armitrons(A really good, cheap brand) for 30 bucks or less, and those have a stopwatch, an alarm, all common forms of time measurement, and a second clock(so you can see what another time region looks like, maybe for a friend). And it’s not a smartwatch, so he won’t be able to get in too much trouble with it.
leopardglily over 2 years ago
Hahahahahahahahaha the last panel!!
a name over 1 year ago
Just get him his own watch. They sell Armitrons(A really good, cheap brand) for 30 bucks or less, and those have a stopwatch, an alarm, all common forms of time measurement, and a second clock(so you can see what another time region looks like, maybe for a friend). And it’s not a smartwatch, so he won’t be able to get in too much trouble with it.