Red: I wish I had a time machine. Rover: Why? Red: So I could repeat this moment with you throughout my life.
What a nice thought.
or you could put time in a bottle.
Grapfhics, Jim Croce couldn’t do it, and I doubt Red could either.
Red, that’s what cameras are for.
or sometimes just good memories
Let me not blow this line when I use it on my wife
@Lewreader, let’s hope you don’t say “this moment is lasting a lifetime”. :-)
Awwww, that’s so sweet! :-)
I think you are the “best” comic writer with the almost best dog. My dog is “best”……….. thanks
November 20, 2013
cleokaya over 15 years ago
What a nice thought.
grapfhics over 15 years ago
or you could put time in a bottle.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Grapfhics, Jim Croce couldn’t do it, and I doubt Red could either.
Red, that’s what cameras are for.
llong65 over 15 years ago
or sometimes just good memories
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Let me not blow this line when I use it on my wife
lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago
@Lewreader, let’s hope you don’t say “this moment is lasting a lifetime”. :-)
AndiJ over 15 years ago
Awwww, that’s so sweet! :-)
MaraFitz over 15 years ago
I think you are the “best” comic writer with the almost best dog. My dog is “best”……….. thanks