They were out of fudgesicles! Gee, Zoe, I think you might just need to get better.
Lol that sarcastic look on his face in the second panel!
What Civil War movies has Hammie been watching that he knows to ask for a bullet?
You didn’t ask, Zoe.
January 25, 2022
Melville the Calvinite almost 2 years ago
They were out of fudgesicles! Gee, Zoe, I think you might just need to get better.
leopardglily almost 2 years ago
Lol that sarcastic look on his face in the second panel!
KageKat over 1 year ago
What Civil War movies has Hammie been watching that he knows to ask for a bullet?
SquidGamerGal about 1 year ago
You didn’t ask, Zoe.