Basic Instructions by Scott Meyer for March 02, 2022

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    mobeydick  about 3 years ago

    I always wondered why they even had a ‘kill patient’ setting on that machine.

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    joe.altmaier  about 3 years ago

    Hell, Dr. No (1st Sean Connery Bond) was an incoherent mess. The evil mastermind wasn’t really a bad guy (had a satellite dish and an aluminum plant; otherwise, maybe a gangster? Certainly no plans for world domination). Had irrelevant characters (women he made love to but otherwise didn’t propel the plot in any way). Had a giant ‘dragon’ machine that didn’t do anything or matter at all. Had a nuclear power plant for no reason. ‘Saved’ Ursula Andress but it wasn’t clear why she was in danger (ran through a room where she was inexplicably tied to the floor, pretended to untie her) but no clear threat was present and no reason Dr. No should have any problem with her. In the end created a nuclear meltdown that would pollute the Carribean for decades, so he could get away conveniently.

    Not a real winner of a movie for sure.

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    prrdh  about 3 years ago

    Jenkins isn’t in any position to set the bar any higher than that.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 3 years ago

    When they do tell Jenkins what they want, it’s usually some variation of “get away from me; I have pepper spray”.

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    bwoodruf Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Scott, I’m so glad you put Basic Instruction on go comics. I so wish you were still writing it.

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