It took me many dogs and many years to decide that dogs have dew claws so they can scratch the tops of their heads. Even my vet did not really have an answer. He also cannot explain what makes the “right spot” when a dog needs to go. It’s weird enough that I have had beagles for my last 3 dogs and he hates beagles because they are so wild and crazy. Mine aren’t, so maybe that is it. My current one, he just loves – like everyone else.
Brian is going WAY back in the annals of popular music to invoke this gag, and I’m a bit surprised that Red would be familiar with music from the 50’s. Actually, it’s a nice tribute to JLL [aka The Killer] who, along with his pumping piano, was one of the founding fathers of rock and roll.
Mediatech almost 3 years ago
Considering how Jerry Lee Lewis sat at the piano, you might guess where his rash was.
rentier almost 3 years ago
What a black strip Rover has on his right leg?
Catfeet Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Better dry skin than cooties!
sarahbowl1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
My poor Rover darling. My Lizzie has itch problems sometimes, too!
WCraft Premium Member almost 3 years ago
He wrote that song after getting our of a bath…
Moonkey Premium Member almost 3 years ago
It took me many dogs and many years to decide that dogs have dew claws so they can scratch the tops of their heads. Even my vet did not really have an answer. He also cannot explain what makes the “right spot” when a dog needs to go. It’s weird enough that I have had beagles for my last 3 dogs and he hates beagles because they are so wild and crazy. Mine aren’t, so maybe that is it. My current one, he just loves – like everyone else.
hooglah almost 3 years ago
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Bill D. Kat Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Brian is going WAY back in the annals of popular music to invoke this gag, and I’m a bit surprised that Red would be familiar with music from the 50’s. Actually, it’s a nice tribute to JLL [aka The Killer] who, along with his pumping piano, was one of the founding fathers of rock and roll.