Cathy Commiserations by Cathy Guisewite for March 07, 2022

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    Susan00100  about 3 years ago

    In my synagogue in NYC, the left side of the wall containing the Ark of the Torah is illuminated with a blue light, and the other half with a yellow light, symbolizing support for the Ukraine.

    Although I live in Florida now, I’m still a member of that congregation, and I participate in services via Livestream or YouTube.

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    Traveling Tartar Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I don’t know if Cathy gets these comments, but if you do Cathy, 1) don’t stop this series quite yet, it is so inspiring, 2) I would love to see a full series displayed somewhere some day, they are very powerful reminders of the good side of humanity, vs. the evil reality of unspeakable tyranny, and 3) I hope that this series has reason to end soon indicating the end of the conflict. Let us all take away the need to be better people.

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    cgwite Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I drew this and then wasn’t going to post it because it all seems so hopeless. The drawing was on the way to the trash when I saw a clip of a Ukrainian woman on TV who looked and sounded just like my grandmother. She’d lost absolutely everything except hope. She believed with all her heart in the strength and love of her people and that one day they would all be home again. Sitting in my safe, warm house thousands of miles away, who am I to put hope in the wastebasket? I’m deeply inspired by this beautiful grandma and the millions like her who refuse to give up.

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    JLChi  about 3 years ago

    I’ve donated money for the refugees, but there are well over a million of them now, and more every day. They need so much more.

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    DThomas751 Premium Member about 3 years ago


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    rgcviper  about 3 years ago

    (As I said in the post above … )

    Enjoyed the little ray of hope today. We could all use one now and then.

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