Understanding Chaos by Gustavo Rodriguez for October 30, 2022

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    It’s mind boggling! With the hundreds of sports channels….


    Regular programs are preempted, for weeks and people are screwed! Why have all the sports channels then if you’re not going to stick to them?

    Just like BREAKING NEWS!

    They either preempt or break in and stay on for the duration of the show, repeating and talking things to death….sickening! The worst part is usually they don’t repeat the show and viewers are screwed.

    I’ll put away my soapbox for now…..☺️

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  2. Oip
    klbdds  over 2 years ago

    My experience: I have played on rec. soccer teams. And like golf I couldn’t appreciate what it takes to play it before I tried it. I could never fall down and feign serious injury. The NFL is learning from soccer and doing it these days. Throw the Flag!

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    WCraft  over 2 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up. Most Americans are still watching the World Series. Soccer mania has yet to infect our fair shores.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The Thorns won.

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