2.03/10 Well, I can’t really call this arc a dissapointment if I wasn’t expecting much. But it was kind of boring, and it ended the same way as it usually does. Peirce, you need to step up your game.
I will give this one a 3/10 because we never saw nutmeg, and the strip had the same joke. Nate gets rejected/heartbroken, and then he just bounces back. It’s getting kind of old, but cut Pierce a little slack cause he’s been doing the strip for more than 30 years, so it’s safe to assume that he’s already had his best ideas.
Todays’ hororscope for Nate: Life gets a little easier for you, and you should be able to coast over any obstacles that remain. Things should be a lot simpler for you when you realize your true position. – Yahoo
imadedmans over 2 years ago
Yo, new here
retrocool over 2 years ago
Nate always bounces back.
Clarence over 2 years ago
I say Nate will get a girlfriend when the comic strip ends…
….if that’s ever gonna happen
Spring Fever Nate over 2 years ago
Welp, the arc has ended, so on towards next week which will be the greatest arc since the Jefferson arc!
Hopefully, that is.
Strip rating: 4/10Arc rating: 2/10
Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers) over 2 years ago
Nate will never learn his lesson. Just accept it.
2.03/10 Well, I can’t really call this arc a dissapointment if I wasn’t expecting much. But it was kind of boring, and it ended the same way as it usually does. Peirce, you need to step up your game.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 2 years ago
He only what? 11? Little young to have a massive libido….
TheBestBigNateFan over 2 years ago
Nate still hasn’t learned his lesson. Wow. I liked this strip, but it wasn’t as good as the others.
8/10 daily rating
9.5/10 weekly rating.
OOOW SW over 2 years ago
6.78/10 This is what always happens In every end of the arc it’s always nate getting the opposite of what he wants I almost feel bad.
A dude named Kevin. over 2 years ago
Hello dudes. I’m kevin
abdullahcfc07 over 2 years ago
Quiz: only a true big Nate fan would know this
Who is Amit choudury?
-=sticfigure=- over 2 years ago
ussless fact: The average adult spends more time on the toilet (3h 9min) than they do exercising (1h 30min).
-=sticfigure=- over 2 years ago
Q@A: what is your real name?
-=sticfigure=- over 2 years ago
Q@A what is better? ussless fact, featured comments,first people,Q@A,or polls?
Johnny Appleseed over 2 years ago
He’s so gullible
Appel Pai over 2 years ago
I wanna see this continue to see the girl’s reaction even though we probably won’t
3ND3RB0Z0 over 2 years ago
2/10 always happens Nate’s heart gets broken and then he finds some other girl to lust over
Iron Spidey 824 over 2 years ago
I will give this one a 3/10 because we never saw nutmeg, and the strip had the same joke. Nate gets rejected/heartbroken, and then he just bounces back. It’s getting kind of old, but cut Pierce a little slack cause he’s been doing the strip for more than 30 years, so it’s safe to assume that he’s already had his best ideas.
Nightwatch2007 over 2 years ago
“Nate Wright. Scorpio.”
That’s like a catchphrase by now
Goat from PBS over 2 years ago
I don’t know about anyone else, but if someone told me their sign, (like Nate) I’d be like, “OK, good for you. I’m not into that stuff.”
WALUIGI over 2 years ago
Nate after finding out she’s got a boyfriend: screams gangster paradise
Sonic the Hedgehog over 2 years ago
Here we go again! 4/5!
LHGG SigmaKiller over 2 years ago
God damn. Typical nate rejected(maybe)?6/10
Robert Miller Premium Member over 2 years ago
Todays’ hororscope for Nate: Life gets a little easier for you, and you should be able to coast over any obstacles that remain. Things should be a lot simpler for you when you realize your true position. – Yahoo
Moonshadow Elves over 2 years ago
Facepalm Nate… get to know the girl first…
Free Ukraine over 2 years ago
Yay, my notifications work now
Piranha Plant (Formerly Fox and Falco) over 2 years ago
As usual, Nate says he won’t like a specific kind of girl, then he likes that kind of girl. This is repeated.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 2 years ago
….give him a turbo wedgie right in front of everyone, that’ll bring him back down to earth…….
AustinKniga-Bartlett over 2 years ago
There’s always plenty of more fish in the sea.
Yoriichi over 2 years ago
The love life still continues for Nate.
GloriousComradeOfCommunism over 2 years ago
Cartoon over 2 years ago
mmmmm original
winfield.wilson over 2 years ago
“Take my hand, let me take you to Loooveland”
ND Cool Z over 2 years ago
He can bounce back quickly. Also this girl looks kinda like Paige, Teddy’s former girlfriend
Suprised Marty (BACK) over 2 years ago
Nate, again? 9/10, sorry I was away In Atlantic City the last 3 days.
Nova_theenby about 2 years ago
I wonder what Nate would do if he met a lesbian.
Appel Pai almost 2 years ago
tbh that girl is pretty hot
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
He needs to be hit.
DACuber 10 months ago
always have been this way, always going to be this way