Globetrotter by Ainsley Ashby for June 22, 2022

  1. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  over 2 years ago

    Go across the street to the grocery store to buy some bread so you can spread some traffic jam on it…

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Bangkok traffic!

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    nul bit Premium Member over 2 years ago

    During the day Bangkok traffic is not bad. But at rush hour in the evening it turns in to something else. The drivers and scooters somehow will turn three marked lanes on the road in to a jumbled mass of cars 5 across creeping along at ~1-3 km/hr. You have to fight for every inch of travel otherwise the person in the car next to you will cut you off and take the space in front of you. The scooters are constantly squeezing between the cars trying to find a path through the traffic jam. If the scooters establish a path they will get inline and there will be a continuous stream of them for 10-15 minutes blocking your path. This is all on a good day. Imagine this during the rainy season when there is a monsoon flooding streets and blinding you so you can barley see the car in front of you or next to you.

    I hope we get to see Chloe taking a ride with a crazy tuk tuk driver, LOL.

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    Eddiethekitten  3 months ago

    Now that is like NYC traffic!!

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