Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for April 30, 2022

  1. Ding a ling
    BasilBruce  almost 3 years ago

    Major Tom is on his way!

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    rshive  almost 3 years ago

    Remember when that used to be a big thing?

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    Zebrastripes  almost 3 years ago

    I’ll never forget watching one explode. 

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  4. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member almost 3 years ago

 that would be 3-2-1 launch, standing on the moon, and splashdown

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 3 years ago

    Could also be considered the bottom three things. :)

    In the classic animation series “Futurama”, Fry, revived a thousand years in the future, wants to do the countdown for his first trip to the Moon. Things have changed a lot. Before he finishes the countdown, they are already on the Moon.

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    Argythree  almost 3 years ago

    Top 3 things about rocket launches if you are watching from your living room: 3 – sitting and waiting; 2 – sitting and waiting; 1 – ignition and liftoff, yay! Top 3 things about rocket launches if you are watching from a view site in Florida: 3 – rushing to find a place to pull over and watch; 2 – getting out of your car and focusing your binoculars on the tiny rocket in the distance; 1 -ignition and liftoff (holding your ears at the shattering noise while trying to hear yourself shout ‘yay!’. And no, all my years living and working in Florida and I still watched from my living room

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    R.U. Kidding  almost 3 years ago

    I was all about space as a kid in the ’60s. I watched all the launches, the EVAs, the splashdowns — everything.

    The best part was when they would poll all the systems during the countdown.

    “Booster?” “Go!”“Retro?” “Go!”“Guidance?” “Go!”“Telemetry?” “Go!”Etc.

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