Or maybe, you know, Breezy.
Um Rip, there’s a stack of pancakes right in front of you.
Silent but deadly, eh? What is this monster, a 10th grader?
Sure, the monster may be silent but deadly, but can it withstand Rip’s giggling knuckles?
Glad to see TNT again, also hope to see Breezy, Fireball and perhaps Cobra eventually.
If being wealthy means being targeted, then stop earning wealth and give what you have in abundance to charity.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
Brian Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Or maybe, you know, Breezy.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Um Rip, there’s a stack of pancakes right in front of you.
Chithing almost 3 years ago
Silent but deadly, eh? What is this monster, a 10th grader?
tad1 almost 3 years ago
tad1 almost 3 years ago
Sure, the monster may be silent but deadly, but can it withstand Rip’s giggling knuckles?
norphos almost 3 years ago
Glad to see TNT again, also hope to see Breezy, Fireball and perhaps Cobra eventually.
relaxbreathe almost 3 years ago
If being wealthy means being targeted, then stop earning wealth and give what you have in abundance to charity.